Monday, January 28, 2013


I haven't had tons of experience with wine yet. I am pretty new to wine and have only had a year of experience with wine. I really enjoy drinking it and I have seen my tastes grow throughout this year. I am frequent wine drinker because I don't tend to drink every week but probably every other week.

I tend to have a glass of wine with dinner at nicer restaurants. My roommates and I also like to have wine sometimes while we are watching a movie or TV. It is something we like to do when we are just relaxing and hanging out at home for the evening. I tend to stick to drinking wines that I already know but I love trying new wines when I get the chance.

I really like sweet wines. I initially started out just liking sweet white wines that had a nice fruity taste, but I've also started to expand why I like. I've now tried different red wines and have slowly started to like some of those as well. I am often more confident that I'll like a white over a red wine though.

I'm really excited for this class to teach me about what food to pair with what wines. I don't think I'm very good at describing and identifying wines, so I'm looking forward to be better at that. This class will be useful for me in trying new wines and learning new stuff that I like.

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